I don't have to and I have no idea why I do, I cry literally most of the time and I have no proper outlet anymore. I need to do things, He doesn't want to do them. I need to get my clothes from my step-dad's He's no help. I cry over my family, he says fuck them. What for? Because they are concerned for me? No one knows this, But fuck I started cutting once again. Swallow little 'scratches' at first so I can blame it on the cat, but there are places like my legs that he never sees that are a war zone. Am I happy I started again?
No, I'm not but it's not like I have anyone to talk to. I have no one who can just sit there and not lie to me - My life is shit, I need to get out off my ass and I need to DO something. No one tells me that, I get nothing...I feel nothing and it's all because of him.
I knew it was too good to last, too 'perfect' to leave me happier in the end. I can't do anything, I've lost my family and friends for this fucker. I'm stuck...I'm hopelessly stuck.
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